If you weren't able to secure a ticket to our Gala or want to double your impact, there are still plenty of ways to get involved! Together, we can help the insurance industry bring joy to families with seriously ill children. Here’s how:
Showcase your support by becoming a Décor, Entertainment, or Wine Sponsor for $5,000. Your generosity will be recognized at the Gala through signage, multimedia presentations, name inclusion in the event program, and recognition in post-campaign acknowledgements.
Grant a Wish for $3,500, or contribute towards a Wish at any dollar amount, to make dreams a reality. For sick kids who are on a long path to recovery, for kids who will forever live their condition, and for kids who are fighting against the clock, you can make wishes come true to give these warriors a break from battle. Starlight Canada grants wishes of all sizes to give seriously ill children and their families a reason to smile and special memories to hold on to. Whether they are wishing for a simple night out with a loved one, or dreaming big with an ultimate wish of a lifetime, YOU can create magic where kids can shine even when sick. All Wishes will also receive recognition in our multi-media presentations during the Gala.
We are looking for cash, gift card, or product donations for use in our Silent Auction, Raffle, or fall Calendar Raffle! All donations will be acknowledged accordingly to highlight your generous contribution to the cause.